8 Google Ranking Hacks That You Must Know

Google Ranking Hacks by SEO experts

Did you guys know that the first outcome on page one receives more than a third of all Google search traffic?


If you really want people to click on your content, it must rank in the first few results — and it must make it into the top ten results to obtain any huge traffic at all. So, how can you ensure that your pages appear in the first page of search results?


Of course, with search engine optimization (SEO)


SEO refers to a wide range of strategies used to improve your standings, but it isn’t always the easiest thing to understand.


Luckily, there’s a few items you can do to boost your SEO and attract more visitors.


Many tactics and tools are used in SEO by SEO experts India, but very few stand out for their mixture of simplicity and effectiveness. Here are eight simple SEO hacks to improve your rankings from top SEO services companies.


1. Long-tail keywords should be targeted.

A successful SEO campaign begins with keyword integration.


You must target specific keywords that people are searching for and also include those keywords in your textual material to have a good chance of ranking for any Google search. It is critical that you select the appropriate keywords.


Long-tail keywords

Long-tail keywords are those that are a few words long besides just one. These are the best keywords to aim for because they have a particular search purpose, so you understand what users are looking for when they search for them.


Long-tail keywords can be found by entering pertinent shorter key phrases into a tool and choosing from the outcomes!


2. Create evergreen content and update the existing pieces

Another simple way of improving SEO is to start creating evergreen content as frequently as possible.


Just as evergreen trees keep fresh and coloured when other trees turn brown, evergreen content remains important and applicable when other substances become outdated. The goal is to create content that will be pertinent several years from now.


This includes avoiding any relatively short, recent trends that will date your content in the future. Of course, no one can foresee the outcome perfectly, and some things will still be obsolete. When this occurs, make sure to go back and keep updating it so that it continues to drive traffic.


3. Pay attention to the user’s search intent.

Keywords are a useful tool to improve your rankings, but simply inserting them into your content does not guarantee results.


To prioritize on page one, you must create content that meets user search intent, or why people search for the keywords you’re targeting.


By reading the results that are presently ranking at the top, you can determine what the search query  is.


4. Image optimization

To enhance SEO, you must optimize more than just the text on your website. You should also spend time optimizing your images. The first step in optimizing your website’s images is to compress them. These might come too much for you, the best is to hire affordable SEO services.


When image files are too big, they slow down the loading speed of your page, causing many users to click the delete button instead of waiting.


Image Optimization Basics

This behavior tells Google that your site isn’t pertinent in search engine results. You could also use alt tags, which are short, writing descriptive blurbs that you connect to your images.


5. Acquire high-quality backlinks.

Backlinks are among the most efficient Google ranking hacks — in fact, backlinks are the most important influential factor on Google.


Backlinks are external websites that point to your content. You should strive to obtain a few high-quality inbound links for each piece of content you publish on your website.


When Google notices that a reputed and reliable site has connected to you, it considers you to be reputable too though, and your ranking rises.


To obtain backlinks, simply contact reputable third-party websites. The best way to accomplish this is to identify broken links in their existing stuff and suggest replacement links, which can also be from your own.


6. Craft captivating titles and meta descriptions.

Part of the reason you would like to score higher is to have more traffic, but it appears to work in both directions — when a page obtains a lot of traffic, it rises in the rankings.


As a consequence, you must make sure that your content is appealing to users when it would seem in search engine results, and headlines are a great place to start.


Users tend to click on your title tag if it sounds juicy and captivating.


You can accomplish this by attracting users to your site with numbers and enticing adjectives (“6 Amazing Reasons to…”).


Keep these title tags to 60 characters or less and to include your main keyword. You should include an overview of the page in your meta tags.


Keep meta descriptions to 150 words or less and, once again, involve your main keyword. These are tips from the SEO expert India.


7. Make use of responsive design.

Responsive web design is one of the most important Google ranking hacks to enact. In fact, it’s more than a hack; it’s a necessity.


Responsive design is the process of optimizing your website for both mobile and desktop formats so that it displays correctly on mobiles, tablet devices, and computer systems.


Google ranks sites based on their mobile format, which is why responsive design is so important.


responsive website design benefits

Even if you have the most perfect in every way desktop web design in the universe, you will not rank if your website does not work too on cell devices.


8. Create a Google Business Profile.

The majority of your SEO efforts should be focused on optimizing your website’s content, but there is another attempt to portray naturally in search results. When you create a Google Business Profile profile for your corporation, you will be more likely to appear in local searches.


GBP allows you to share data such as your location, contact details, and working hours.


When people are searching for a biz like this in one‘s area, Search engine will show this data in local search engine results.


You can generate more local leads for your business by trying to claim your local listing and by appointing a SEO expert India.



Looking for the best yet simple SEO hacks to skyrocket your google ranking? Well, this piece has got your back. To learn more about the same, stick to the piece till the end.

Image Optimization for SEO Explained


“A picture is worth a thousand words,” they say, and this is surely true. Rather than words, we prefer to interact with graphics. Images have become increasingly important on e-commerce, travel, and media websites throughout time.


According to HTTP Archive, photos make up about 64 percent of a website’s weight on average. If we can shrink the size of these photos without sacrificing image quality, it will have a direct and significant influence on page load times and user experience on your websites.


A quick fact: About half of people prefer websites that load in under 2 seconds. If a page takes longer than 3 seconds to load, nearly 40% of visitors will abandon the site, raising the churn rate. Solving this issue is too simple, just optimize the images.


What is Image Optimization?


Image optimization is the process of adjusting the size, format, and resolution of visuals to fulfill specified requirements.


Image (SEO) optimization is giving search engine crawlers more information so they can recognise your context and rank it higher for greater visibility.


You might be wondering how much traffic picture search brings in. According to Google, this is an undisclosed figure.


However, it is guaranteed that image optimization will increase your chances of drawing people to your site significantly.


According to a recent study conducted , 62 percent of as mentioned earlier says that consumers prefer image search to any other medium. At the same time, when purchasing online, more than 85% of customers prefer to look at pictures rather than read words.


And, with Google’s algorithm becoming smarter by the day – the stakes are just becoming higher.


Similar to content SEO, image optimization doesn’t consume countless hours of configuration. In fact, it doesn’t even call for the need for an SEO expert India.


How to Optimize Images For Search Engines?


Take into account the image’s placement.

To break up the content, many website designers make the mistake of slapping a photo or two at odd places. However, doing so may cause readers to become confused and distracted about your context.


To include a reference to your issue, try positioning photographs near the most accompanying text on your webpage.


Every web page should, in theory, have a hero or featured image at the top, as this is the area that visitors will see first when they visit your site. They will act as a ‘clickbait’ for readers, encouraging them to stay on the page and read more.


image optimization - Seo-company India

Ensure that the content is both relevant and unique.

To create your material more attractive and user-friendly also something that aligns with search engine optimization, always include relevant and valuable photographs. The finest images are ones that accurately portray your topic while also incorporating content.


So, while choosing photos, make sure they’re relevant to the theme. For a post titled “Why Cats Are So Adorable,” you wouldn’t want to use a photo of a lovely puppy.


This will result in a poor user experience. It will also lead readers to believe they have clicked on the wrong link or, worse, have been harassed.


Read: How to Attain Good Ranking in SERP

Choose the Correct File Format

To guarantee that your images load smoothly, select the appropriate file format. However, you must first comprehend some of the most popular possibilities before deciding on the ideal format for your image SEO optimization for your website.


JPG: One of the most widely used formats, JPG files can accommodate thousands of colors. They’re typically used for huge images that can be scaled down without significantly degrading.


PNG: The PNG format offers a wide range of color options.Flat photographs, graphics, icons, and logos work well with them.


GIF: Originally intended for graphics, the GIF format is now primarily used for animated images on the internet.


Reduce the file size.

The photographs you use on your website take up more space than the majority of other items on the page. This will gradually slow down the page’s loading time and degrade its performance.


A recent study found that a one-second delay in page load might result in a 7% decline in conversions. If a page takes longer than three seconds to load, around 40% of people will quit it.


To avoid your website falling into the same trap, make sure your photographs are the smallest size possible. To help you dodge away a poor fate, SEO experts India are there.


Use File Names That Are Exact

Using descriptive file names for your photos will help Google and others understand your website.


On the other contrary, most site developers ignore this functionality and continue to load pictures with file format names like ‘Image 740.jpg.’


File names, on the other hand, are evaluated by search crawlers and found to be relevant for ranking.



Make use of alternative tags.

If your images fail to download for any reason, the Alt Tags are displayed in their place.


Additionally, the Alt Tags assist visually challenged visitors who use screen readers to comprehend your photographs.


For a layman to know these tricks and implement them is no easy feat, thus it’s best to have SEO expert India by your side.



It has been proved that visuals are crucial in connecting users to your items. Users tend to leave your website if it takes over 3 minutes to load, which will greatly increase your bounce rate and subsequently influence your sales.Here’s sharing a few checklists to consider while image optimization for SEO. Read on to know more!